Yet is the keyword. It's mine, saith the Lord. Reports will expose these facts and show the world these hidden contents in another cargo ship. I am raining down great judgment upon your enemies while I am raining down My. Rest in My joy, for there is coming a time, very soon, when you will have to make these choices and even greater ones. They can't have My nations, nor can they control the world. Take back ownership of everything Jesus already bought, died,. They stood their ground and (took) positions that didn't belong to them- men and women who stole for their own purpose and reason; for more money and. Do not give in to their power. That's not what I do. 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport, Iowa, five two eight zero seven. " Oh yes, judgment is. 6. This is the time now. So, My children, call down the rain- the rain of Glory, the rain of joy, the rain of healing, and the rain of unlimited provision. Call down the fire of the Holy Ghost. Date Word Received: November 1, 2022 (Second Prophecy) Watch video. A removal that will get the world’s. Date Word Received: March 12, 2023 (First Prophecy) Watch video - published March 20, 2023. Watch video - published July 10, 2023 My children, I have given you ownership of this Earth. Some people have withstood (God’s Will) and gotten extremely arrogant and prideful. Date Word Received: June 9, 2023 (First Prophecy) Watch video - published June 23, 2023. org. THINGS ARE RAMPING UP WORLDWIDE. That was a spiritual wind. Something shocking has been going on in the Pacific Ocean, and territory has been given back. This wind will destroy everything in its path that is against you, My children. Julie Green Ministries exists to transform lives through God’s unconditional love, His Word, and the hope that comes from a personal relationship with him. Some. So arise now, My children, and take what I, the Lord,. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children a great shake-up has begun- a shake-up of governments, a shake-up of churches, a shake-up of nations, a shake-up of economies, and a shake-up of all things in this godless system. A great shift. When you resist him and all who are with him, they must flee. IMPEACHMENTS ARE COMING. Date Word Received: October 10, 2022. THE BIG LIE WILL BE OVERTURNED. Break it. Annihilate it. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to prepare for what is coming: A great shaking. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children indictments are about to fly one right after another against your enemies, but, My. Destroy it. Do not give in to this tyranny. Do not give in to this lawlessness. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children and My Nation of the eagle that a great coup has taken place in this Nation- a coup that has lasted more than just a few years, a coup that has gone on for several years and grown stronger and stronger each year. Rest in My power. A removal that will shock this Nation. Evidence is coming that will expose their lies, their control, and their bias. A GREAT CORRECTION IS COMING. from lack. A great war has been fought in the spiritual realm, and a. Shake it. Children of Almighty God, I have not, and will not ever forsake. My children, do not give in to this deception. Date Word Received: June 23, 2023 (Third Prophecy) Watch video - published July 11, 2023. Watch video - published May 11, 2023. Watch video - published July 10, 2023 My children, I have given you ownership of this Earth. This wind will destroy everything in its path that is against you, My children. 73 663 subscribers. “Lord, what does that mean? (A place) where You will show us Your face. Get ready. Watch video. My children, do not give in to this deception. This will spread far and wide, and My children who believe and will receive will be a part of the greatest outpouring of My Spirit upon this Earth. Watch video - published June 28, 2023. Sri Lanka will be back in your news again, and unrest has begun that their government cannot contain. ” (I will show you) My goodness, My love, My mercy, and who I really am. Break it. Betrayals left, and right will continue to be seen. Date Word Received: March 12, 2023 (Second Prophecy) Watch video - published March 22, 2023. For I, the Lord, this day am speaking to My children on a continual basis to guide you, heal you, deliver you, set you free, and give you the truth, so you know who you are and whose you are, so you no longer identify as a defeated,. I need My Church to be prepared! I need you to build up your faith, so when people come, and they will come running because the world will look so dark,. “My dad was healed from stage 4 cancer! Thank you for praying!”. That the announcements today. Annihilate it. org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International. ” (I will show you) My goodness, My love, My mercy, and who I really am. Date Word Received: June 5, 2023. Watch video - published July 10, 2023 My children, I have given you ownership of this Earth. Shake it. THE RELEASE OF MY EAGLE HAS BEGUN. For I, the Lord, this day want to remind My children that I am the Most High God, that I am delivering you, that I never fail, and I never lose. Another laptop is about to surface- the laptop of all laptops. I have given you everything you need in this earth to be victorious and to be an overcomer in every area of your lives. “Lord, what does that mean? (A place) where You will show us Your face. This is the time of great destruction. Do not give in to this tyranny. Arise to the country you were called to be. Break it. You haven't seen anything yet. For I, the Lord, this day have had enough of your enemies, their control, their governments, their economies, and. I am the Great I AM. Say it- they are finished, their world order is dead, and its hold over this earth is broken now, in the name of Jesus. from tyrannical governments. Do not give in to this tyranny. You say, "Lord, what do you mean you've given us ownership?" I have given you the ultimate authority to command (things to happen) when you speak My Words; when you do, they will come to pass. Status: Pending. Be firmly placed in My Word. CAREER POLITICIANS WILL BE NO MORE. Date Word Received: November 30, 2022. If you grow weary, I am your comforter. For I, the Lord, this day have something to say. Open your eyes and see My love, My grace, My mercy, My power, My strength. Nothing planned against you will go as planned. Julie Green Ministries, Bettendorf, Iowa. And if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM International. For I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children that I am just getting started with exposing your enemies. Nothing has gotten past Me, and you will soon see this, saith the Lord your. This is the time (of) pressing in, pressing in, pressing in, and breaking through to these new levels- new levels of revelation. We look forward to establishing the Kingdom of God in the earth with you. Date Word Received: Sept 15, 2022, Prophetic Words from Washington/Idaho. I am in you. Not only has he faked all these things, but he's also faked who he truly is. Watch video - published July 10, 2023 My children, I have given you ownership of this Earth. For I, the Lord, this day am giving My children a command to wake up, get up, take back authority, and to arise in the power I have already given you. I am the God who saved the three Hebrew men in the. Watch video - published July 10, 2023 My children, I have given you ownership of this Earth. You are now letting your adversary know that no matter the test. Your enemies have used machines and technology to manipulate weather, causing chaos, destruction, and even death. Watch video - published July 14, 2023 For I, the Lord, declare this day that the freedom of the United States has been paid for. IT IS NOW TIME FOR THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT TO BE SEEN. And if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM International. This is a time when you see evil and how it's been trying to reign. Home: Prophecies: Modern Prophets: Announcements: Latest Updates (116) Tools: A New Announcement Has Been Posted! (added on 07/17/2023). Discover more sites like Jgminternational. There is no devil in hell that will get their way because I am the way. This wind will destroy everything in its path that is against you, My children. Julie Green Ministries exists to transform lives through God’s unconditional love, His Word, and the Watch video - published July 10, 2023 My children, I have given you ownership of this Earth. It is a wind like no other wind. Nothing has gotten past Me. Yes, something big is coming that is about to hit this country to try and shake it from its foundation, to shake it all the way loose. Watch video - published March 30, 2023 For I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children that your enemies' defeat is coming. This wind will destroy everything in its path that is against you, My children. You say, "Lord, what do you mean you've given us ownership?" I have given you the ultimate authority to command (things to happen) when you speak My Words; when you do, they will come to pass. You say, "Lord, what do you mean you've given us ownership?" I have given you the ultimate authority to command (things to happen) when you speak My Words; when you do, they will come to pass. Draw closer to Me in times that. Watch video - published July 6, 2023. — Nicole J. Prophecies Recent prophecies are below. This is the time of great destruction. I am the same God who delivers. Soon they (your words) will. Things are about to shake more, but this will be a sign to you that everything is about to be overturned, and the ones you see before you will not stand. There is nothing that can stop it because I am coming to wipe out their plans, the authority they thought they had, their financial system, their globalist agenda, their governments,. The scales of justice are changing and tipping in the right direction. It's not coming to bring defeat to you; it is to bring what you see to a halt. 9,459 likes · 3,783 talking about this. Julie Green Ministries InternationalMy Nation and My children are getting what has been promised to them. A silence is coming to silence your enemies to stop their influence. In this time of change, expect more from Me. Watch video - published July 17, 2023 Something big is coming. The removal of “the Biden” is coming. REVERSALS ARE COMING. Do not give in to this tyranny. LEADERS ALL OVER THE WORLD WILL SUDDENLY CHANGE. My children, do not give in to this deception. He wants you to give up on your victory, so he can. Date Word Received: June 19, 2022. THE FALL OF THE BIDEN IS NEAR. Come up, My children. This is the only official page for Julie Green Ministries JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES YouTube The Jason Damico Show #136 - Julie Green Julie Green is an American Five-Fold Ministry Prophet, Associate Pastor at Faith Family Fellowship, and founder of JGM International. Watch video - published July 17, 2023 Something big is coming. This day there is a dead man walking, and I mean more than one. THE SCENERY OF THE UNITED STATES WILL SUDDENLY CHANGE. Do not give in to this tyranny. “Lord, what does that mean? (A place) where You will show us Your face. Break it. She has been married to her husband for 21 years, and they have three. Don't settle with that pain. Yes, freedom has been paid for, freedom that your Savior died for. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children, all that you see is coming to an end now. Keep it. This Nation is not theirs to take. It is blowing, and it will be very destructive; destruction that no man has ever seen before, not like this. Watch video - published July 14, 2023 For I, the Lord, declare this day that the freedom of the United States has been paid for. When your feet walk, when you talk, and when you confess My Word, the demons will flee from your presence as far as they can and as wide as they can to get away from you. This is a time of great conflict. Press in, My children, now more than ever, and you will see Me, the Lord of Hosts, destroy your enemies before the world. Do not give in to this lawlessness. “Lord, what does that mean? (A place) where You will show us Your face. My children, times are changing. I have told you, My children, about. I am on your side. Do not give in to this lawlessness. This is the time for the death of one nation and the birth of a new one. Annihilate it. 23 days ago THE GREAT RETURN. You say, "Lord, what do you mean you've given us ownership?" I have given you the ultimate authority to command (things to happen) when you speak My Words; when you do, they will come to pass. Do not be worried. It is not theirs to control. Click here for more information. So, My children, speak My Word in agreement with My Will. Date Word Received: January 19, 2023. This Nation is not theirs to take. Do not give in to this lawlessness. There is going to be a mighty showdown in this world, and I will tell you again, My children, this showdown will end with your victory, saith the Lord. This Nation is not theirs to take. Take back your marriages; healthy marriages belong to you. I ask you to come into my heart. “I am healed.